News & Events

Photography Exhibition by Film, Television and Video Production Students


The students of the Film, Television and Video Production had a Photography Exhibition led by Professor Rajesh Joshi. The theme of the workshop was “Reflections”, where the students had to portray an image which depicts the subject being reflected from various vantage points. The students were given two weeks to submit their images and showcase the prints in Mario Miranda Gallery on the 2nd floor of the XIC Building.

The Exhibition was inaugurated by the FT Course Head Shaison Ouseph and Professor Rajesh Joshi in attendance with all the staff members from XIC as well as the students from the FT Batch of 2023-24 on 31st of August 2023. The students of FT did not fail to deliver as the images they clicked were stunning in their own way. The observations and detailing of the images were spellbinding. Every image portrayed a different kind of perspective which provokes the observer into thinking very deeply.

The Exhibition did have a competitive edge as there was a ranking of the 4 best images clicked by the students. Even though each and every one of the images were beautiful in their own way, only 4 images were ranked as the best of the best. In 1st place came Parikshit Kumar with his image named “Weird Converse-ation” with had one of the most detailed and precise image. In 2nd place came Joel R John with his image named “Dharam”.  In 3rd place there were two images which were considered, clicked by Arpit Kumar Lal with his image named “Chaotic Calmness” and Anuva Sharma with her image named “Reflected Gaze”. The images are on display from 31st August 2023 to 7th September 2023.

by Varun Talwar