Announcing, Broadcasting, Compering, Dubbing and E Book Narration (ABCDE)

To enroll, please provide your contact information and select the course you are interested in.


Course Content

  • Announcing : Effectively make airlines, weather and railway announcements
  • Broadcasting : Effectively write/present interesting Radio Scripts
    & how to read the news on Radio & TV
  • Compering : How to get over the fear of Public Speaking &
    the 4 "P's of "Professional Presentation"
    correct Body Language
  • Dubbing : Narration, cartoon and lip sync dubbing (Theory only)
  • EBook Narration : How to narrate & explore the upcoming
    E book market boom.

All participants will also learn correct breathing techniques, pronunciation, modulation, projection etc.

Criteria for admission:

  • Clear voice with no speech impediments.

Course Duration

  • 9 Saturdays - 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon


Noel Keymer, Radio Jockey