Career Advancement Programmes (CAP)

Strategic Media and Digital Technology Convergence (SMDC)

Course Mentor: Mr. Vinod Srivastava

Strategic Media & Digital Technology Convergence is one of the first ONLINE-CUM-HYBRID Post Graduate Diploma course under the CAP platform

The Diploma course consists of two certification programmes of approximately 5.5 months each. Those completing both the certification programmes will be awarded the Diploma.

Students have the flexibility to join the course twice in a year – in June and November. They also have the flexibility to complete the diploma over a period of 2 years in case they are not able to complete both certification programmes in one year. Those completing only one of the certification programmes will be awarded a certificate.

Eligibility: Working professional with a graduate degree in any discipline.

Selection will be based on Online interview.

Express Interest

Objectives of SMDC


Provide working professionals with the opportunity to get an integrated Diploma certification in the fields of technology applications for Digital Media, Advertising, Marketing Communications, Social Media, Branding, PR & Corporate Communications, Experiential Marketing and such related disciplines


Provide working professionals a platform to interact with professionals with expertise in applying existing and emerging technologies such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Metaverse and more across social media platforms and traditional media applications such as Branding, Marketing Communications, Advertising, PR, Corporate Communications, Experiential Marketing etc. and learn from them.


To provide flexi - fee payment facility so that working professionals do not face the financial burden of paying the entire course fee at the beginning of the course. Students can make payments in 2 installments for each module.

Course Structure

The 11-month (online-cum-hybrid) Diploma Course consists of two Certification programmes embedded within it.

The students can start the course with any of the two certification programmes and opt out at the end of any programme. After the completion of each programme, a certificate will be issued for the completion of the programme. Those completing the entire course, consisting of both certification programmes, will be conferred the Diploma.

The entire course will be completed over a period of 11 months. However, to give flexibility to working students who may not be able to pursue the entire Diploma course in one stretch, both certification programmes must be completed over a maximum period of two academic years. Of course, XIC counsels working professionals who enroll in the Diploma course to complete the entire course within one academic year to maintain continuity of learning.

Salient Aspects of the Course

  • Orientation: A face-to-face orientation programme will be organized at the XIC campus in the beginning of each certification programme. Those who will be unable to travel to the campus can attend the programme online.
  • Course Mentor: Each certification programe will be mentored by a dedicated industry / subject expert with practical experience in the related discipline who will provide holistic mentorship to students. These course mentors, who have held senior to top level positions in corporate bodies and media organisations, have been associated with XIC courses for a long time and have been instrumental in educating and imparting practical training to a large number of professionals, presently working in the fields of Media Technology, Social Media, Brand Management, Advertising, Marketing Communications, Public Relations, Corporate Communications, Content Generation etc. at various positions in well-known organizations. From time to time, course mentors may bring in other subject experts to teach specific subjects specified within the module.
  • Counselling: Course mentors will have individual online interactions with the students as and when needed by the students at pre-determined time slots. This will ensure that students get the requisite guidance and resolve any academic issues.
  • Pedagogy: The classes will be conducted using Zoom or any other digital platform, with the deployment of advanced online class techniques such as:
    • Virtual Group Exercises
    • Case Studies
    • Video Based Exercises
    • Problem Solving Exercises
  • Attendance: 75% attendance is mandatory to be eligible for the PG Diploma/Certificate.
  • Online Library Resources: A digital library consisting of e-books, professional journals and other knowledge resources will be available to students. The students can retain access to the online resources even after passing out by taking up membership in XIC Connect (the community of XIC Alumni) and paying an annual library fee.
  • Class Notes: Class notes will be provided to augment the online teaching.
  • Face to Face Immersion: An Immersion programme will be organized in the beginning of the course either at the XIC campus in Mumbai or its Khandala campus for two days over a weekend, wherein students will get an opportunity to interact with the course mentors. Those who may be unable to attend the face-to-face immersion will have the flexibility to join the online interaction.
  • Evaluation: Student evaluation will be carried out at the end of each certification programme and a marksheet will be issued. Those completing both the certification programmes will be given a Diploma.
  • Convocation: A convocation will be organized at the end of the programme on campus for all who are eligible for a Diploma. Those who will be unable to travel to the campus can attend the programme online.

Course Description

  • This comprehensive course offers an immersion into the contemporary digital landscape, offering both theoretical insights and practical skills essential for thriving in today's communications industry. With a dedicated focus on all things digital, students will gain a deep understanding of various platforms, genres, audiences, and strategies that define the digital age. They will understand how technology is continuously transforming the way brands interact with their audiences and how to leverage the abilities of technology to align with business objectives and goals.
  • The course covers the core concepts of marketing, branding, corporate communication, advertising, PR, and social media but presents them entirely in a digital context, focusing on how these principles are reshaped in today's technology-fueled workplace.
  • The course will be taught online over weekends, with two 90 minute sessions on Saturdays and four 90 minute sessions on Sundays. After every 3 weekends of classes there will be one weekend off.

Why choose this course

  • Digital media has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing the way we connect, communicate, and consume information. This course equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in today's communication industry, allowing you to view communication through the essential lens of the digital world.

Who will benefit from this course:

  • This course is designed for working professionals working in advertising agencies, PR agencies, social media management companies, client-side communications teams and other media organizations and communications roles.
  • It will also help those with technology qualifications who are aiming to enter media and communications related disciplines. It will also help entrepreneurs to master the use of various technologies for promoting their own brands and companies through various traditional and digital media platforms.
  • The course offers a comprehensive understanding of the communications landscape with a core focus on the abilities and applications of technology. Thus, irrespective of which individual domain the students work in, they will develop an integrated approach and outlook towards media and communications.

Course Fees & Contents

Certification Programme I

Digital Technologies for Media Applications

Duration: 5.5 months
Course Fee: Rs.1,06,200/- (inclusive of GST)

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Registrations are open
Interview date will be informed

Certification Programme II

Digital Content Strategies

Duration: 5.5 months
Course Fee: Rs.1,06,200/- (inclusive of GST)

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Registrations are open
Interview date will be informed

Class Timings

Classes will be conducted over the weekends. During each weekend, a total of 6 sessions of 1.5 hours will be conducted. After two consecutive weekends of lectures, one weekend will be kept free for the students to undertake mentor-directed reading and self-study and prepare for the assignments given.

Day Duration Time Slot*
Session 1 1.5 hours 6.00 p.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Session 2 1.5 hours 7.45 p.m. - 9.15 p.m.
Session 3 1.5 hours 10.30 a.m. - 12.00 noon
Session 4 1.5 hours 12.15 p.m. - 1.45 p.m.
Session 5 1.5 hours 2.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Session 6 1.5 hours 4.15 p.m. - 5.45 p.m.

* A tea break of 15 minutes between two sessions and lunch break of 45 minutes have been provided.

For further information,
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